Kirkcaldy Foodbank has created a selection of social media posts aimed at candidates in the forthcoming General Election to ask them what there plans are to tackle poverty should they be elected.
The foodbank plans to connect with local MPs to make progress on the solution to food poverty and is urging them to take action to tackle the ever growing problem.

The foodbank has seen an increase in demand for support and reported the following shocking figures:
· 33% (or one third) of the people who receive our food are children
· Every week we provide food to over 800 people
· We had nearly 20 000 visits in 2023
· In 2023 our total visits increased by 11%
· For over 10 years people in Kirkcaldy have had to rely on our charity for food
· Between 2017 and 2022 the number of households experiencing destitution doubled
· 1 in 20 households in Scotland say they have been to a foodbank in the last month
· 10% of households with children in Scotland say they have been to a foodbank in the last month
· Reductions in benefits mean that the cost of food and energy for a single person is more than the benefits they receive.
More information can be found in the foodbanks 2023 annual report here.